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خرید این فایل
اخلال عمده در عرضه مواد غذایی در ایالات متحده می تواند عواقب مخربی داشته باشد. با این حال، تنها یک دهه پیش، بخش مواد غذایی و کشاورزی کشور حتی به عنوان یک سازمان چندملیتی بحران تعیین نشده بود. آمریکایی ها به منابع غذایی فراوان، امن و مقرون به صرفه خود توجه دارند. 11 سپتامبر 2001 آمریکایی ها با این واقعیت خشن که منافع حیاتی کشورشان شامل خاک آنها در معرض خطر حملات یک تعداد کوچک از تروریست ها مواجه شده است. آمریکایی آموخته اند که تروریست ها حتی عرضه غذایی آنها را تهدید می کنند. در سال 2002 ایالات متحده و نیروهای متفق در غارهایی دوردست در افغانستان، اسنادی را یافتند که نشان می دهد القاعده حملاتی را علیه محصولات و دام ایالات متحده انجام خواهد داد.
در سال های پس از حوادث فاجعه بار 11 سپتامبر، ایالات متحده پیشرفت قابل توجهی در توانایی برای محافظت از شهروندان و زیرساخت هایش در برابر حملات تروریست ها داشت. با این حال، عرضه مواد غذایی کشور در معرض خطر قابل توجهی از اختلال هم از نظر عمدی و چه غیر عمدی بوده است.
Biosecurity in the Food and
Agricultural Industries
Henry S. Parker
A major disruption to the U.S. food supply would have devastating consequences.
Yet, only a decade ago, the nation's food and agriculture sector was
not even designated as a critical national infrastructure.1 Americans took for
granted their abundant, safe, and affordable food resources.
September 11, 2001 confronted Americans with the harsh reality that the
country's vital interests—including those on our own soil—were at risk from
attacks from a small cadre of committed terrorists. Americans learned that
terrorists were even targeting the nation's food supply. In 2002 U.S. and allied
troops uncovered, in remote caves in Afghanistan, documents suggesting
Al Qaeda was contemplating attacks against U.S. crops and livestock.2
In the years since the catastrophic events of 9/11, the U.S. has made substantial
progress in its ability to protect its citizens and infrastructure against
attacks from terrorists. Yet the nation's food supply remains at substantial risk
from both intentional and unintentional disruption.
The U.S. food and agriculture infrastructure is extensive, complex, highly successful,
and critically important for national security. Yet, those very characteristics
mark the U.S. food supply as a tempting target. Effective protection
Biosecurity: Understanding. Assessing, and Preventing the Threat.
Edited by Ryan Burnette.
© 2013 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
130 PART III Biosecurity in Various Sectors
of our agricultural resources and of the citizens that rely on them requires a
comprehensive understanding of the nation's food production, processing, distribution,
and sales systems.
Extent and Status of U.S. Agriculture
Food Security and Environment
The U.S. has the most extensive and successful agricultural enterprise on earth,
and it is vitally important not only to the health and well-being of Americans
but to the natural environment. It is the foundation of our food security. Food
security has been defined as "physical and economic access to sufficient, safe,
and nutritious food that meets the dietary needs and food preferences for an
active and healthy life."3 Access, by implication, means both affordability and
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